但很快就有其他医生说道:“how can we do what you say without protective clothing, professional equipment, not enough masks, and there will be bombing here at any time, and by that time, the otic and pletely uncontrollable.”(没有防护服,专业的设备,没有足够的口罩,我们如何能做到您说的那样,而且这里随时都会发生轰炸,到那时候,场面混乱,完全控制不了。)
宋知聿知道在场的人的顾虑,但他来到这里就是做好了所有的准备,看着在座的所有人,面对大家的质疑,宋知聿没有一点的后退和犹豫,淡声说道:“protective clothing, masks, medicines, theble. we have already declared a batch of medical supplieme, and we can solve these problems for the time being, afety issues you mentioned.”(防护服,口罩,药品,这些都会有。我们在来之前就已经申报了一批医疗用品,各位,这些问题我们暂时都可以解决,至于你们说的安全问题。)
身后的医生递上一张地区地图,宋知聿将这张地区地图摊开放在桌子的中间。早在来来之前他们就探讨过这个问题,当枪战发生,炮弹落下,人们为了活命不可能不跑,所以 就必须就近找到一个安全隐蔽的地方。
宋知聿指着地图上的一处地方,又拿出一张建筑设计图,开口说道:“this place, the terrain ited in thil is just one kilometer, and thive checked the relevant information, in the early yearce built an air-raid nd the area in 200 nd thill part.”(这个地方,地形特殊,距这个医院就一公里,而这个位置,我们查过相关资料,早年间,这个地方修筑过一个防空洞,且面积不小于两百平,而这只是一小部分。)
接着宋知聿又在外围一圈画了画,继续说道:“both buildings have bomb sheltersement floor, which are not only identical, but alnd, montly, hidden. the town is surrounded by mountains, and these two buildingdy on the edge, with the entrance of the air-raid dry well and the other end being a hole of about 1.5 meters, facing the mountains and forests, which is extremely difficult to find.”(这两栋楼的地下一层都修筑了防空洞,不仅结构相同